Who I Am and What I Do
At the age of 5 I experienced a deep trauma that I later came to know as an initiation into becoming a shamanic healer. Upon turning 15 I went through yet another prominent spiritual awakening after moving through the darkness and traumas of my life up until that point, on an edge between life and death. A door was opened within me inspiring a deep dive into all things spiritual, on a search for authentic happiness and to seek out my true purpose on this earth after having navigated the depths of despair. Following the signs along the way, my journey lead me on a path of healing and awakening. I always knew from a young age that I wanted to help people. In my early years it began with sick cats and damaged birds that somehow found their way to me for healing. Later it turned to heart broken friends and strangers alike, always so willing to share their darkest days and most vulnerable states. What a true honour to hold such sacred space for those opening their hearts to me. Why me? Traditionally I found my roots in first aid courses, working as a ski patroller, a remote medic and eventually pursuing a career as a paramedic. Simultaneously I was drawn to my level 1 and 2 reiki inititations on the west coast of Canada. Through these initiations seeds were planted deep in my psyche, a hunger to realize the truth, transcendence of old stories,deep authentic self love and of course the deep desire to help empower others to discover the very same things within themselves too. Through self inquiry in vipassana meditation, self healing with reiki, yoga, books, teachers, healers, many tears and so much laughter, the universe prepared me for a life altering journey through India. It was there I became a yoga teacher, got initiated into being a reiki master, was given my spiritual name Devi (the goddess) and dove deep into tantra. Through the awakening of kundalini, my own sexual/creative energy shook my life to the very foundation. In the wake I was left to rebuild anew, as I felt a deeper calling to move forward to live through an integration of all parts of myself. The lotus within my heart blossomed as I began to receive visions of how to proceed in life and assist those seeking a deeper truth and awakening. It is then I began to clearly hear the voices of my ancestors and fully opened to letting spirit guide my every step forward. I was submerged in darkness, a place I came to know as a cacoon for I eventually emerged transformed, with wings, ready to take flight once again. Here I am now, a psychic intuitive sexual healer, empath, teacher/guide, tantrika, magician, Reiki Master, artist, shaman, medicine (wo)man, kedesha, spiritual midwife, lover, friend and a forever student of life following the bread crumbs home into a more loving and awakened world that truly resides in the hearts of all. I specialize in creating safe, consensual and sacred containers for exploring the kundalini energy through knowledge, skills and experience in somatic sexual healing bodywork and tantrik massage. I fully surrender to my service to humanity as an erotic life coach and love priestess, honoring my body as a temple and finely tuned instrument of the divine to flow through me for the deepest, miraculous and most profound healing to occur in the hearts of all, for the awakening, healing and transformation of all. As for the life side of things, I spend my summers rock climbing, camping, hiking and solo vision quests working to strengthen the energy lines of our mother earth's grid. The winters find me travelling internationally, spending time with family, snowbaording, hiking, mountaineering, vision questing, strumming the guitar, drawing and immersed in my yoga and meditation practices.Thank you for taking the time to read my words. I honour you deeply for taking the steps to bringing more awareness, love and unconditional support into your life. With love, in love, for love.
Healing Services
I would like for people from all walks of life to become empowered in their lives, becoming aware of readily available openings into deeper awakenings, happiness, healing and well being. I have a deep desire to inspire a connection between eastern and western philosophies, dissolving the perception of separation between mind and soul, spirit and science, ego and heart, shiva and shakti (masculine and feminine), shadow and light, to reveal the wholeness and unity already ever present within us. This is what Tantra teaches us, that it is not a war of opposites, but a dance of complimentary forces. Theres an unshakable faith and integrity embodied in my passion for assisting others, planting seeds of hope and love for all beings to awaken to their fullest potentials. I strive to hold space for others' ever unfolding processes, helping to address and dissolve past traumas to create a new fertile ground for optimal personal growth and transcendence. Through this foundation the inevitable happens as we uncover the truth of our non dual nature, a union of the divine feminine and divine masculine. My heart beats to the rhythm of its own drum through which I am passionate in challenging social norms and taboos especially with sacred sexuality. I specialize in creating safe, consensual and sacred containers for exploring the kundalini energy through knowledge, skills and experience in somatic sexual healing bodywork and tantrik massage. I fully surrender to my service to humanity as an erotic life coach and love priestess, honoring my body as a temple and finely tuned instrument of the divine to flow through me for the deepest, miraculous and most profound healing to occur in the hearts of all, for the awakening, healing and transformation of all. Inspiring new awareness of embodying ecstatic life force in motion, the dance of life and creation itself. Weaving magic, tantra, shamanism, mediumship and western medicine into an intricate tapestry of integrated awareness of all aspects of our being. There is also much invisible work that I do beyond the veils of the ordinary perceptive field, as I walk my path of climbing as many mountains as possible in this incarnation to assist in Gaia's ascension. I support, encourage and stand in awe at the beauty of authentic expression in its purest and most raw forms. A mirror we are to one another, let us reflect the most divine light and love from within.